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Katy Wilson is the lead artist for the Wester Hailes Expecting Something group. She is a visual artist and a Starcatchers associate artist. Her residency at Tramway, creating work for early years, generated great interest in the community and a wealth of new and exciting ideas and collaborations between artists.
Lead artist Katy Wilson writes about her thoughts as the group get closer and closer to Expecting Something . . .
We are close to starting the project properly.
We’ve done two taster sessions to give people an idea of the sort of ‘feel’ of the group … it’s been lovely to meet some of the girls and their bumps and babies who we hope to grow the project with.
We talk a lot about what this group should be… how it should feel , or make you feel…It should be different … it’s not like Book Bug, it’s not like baby massage, it’s is not like Peep – great facilities that they are. We should be a creative group which offers something they don’t already have in Westerhailes and Lochgelly . We hope that it feels positive, nurturing ,non-judgemental, friendly, inspiring and enjoyable.
The group is for the mums and for their babies.. equally really. A lot of groups focus on the benefit for babies but we believe we can do both.
It can be what they want it to be, which is exciting, to me, and I hope to them.
Ideally it will help the mums with their confidence as mums, and their confidence in themselves.
I’m 33 and a mum of 2 ( 1 baby) … I find life the trickiest it has ever been at the moment. I think I’m young … but I’m not really … I can’t quite imagine how it would feel to be 10 years younger than me (or more) and in a similar situation.
I am trying to put myself in the shoes of someone who is very young and has a new baby, and how they cope with the stresses and pressures that come with it.
I feel privileged to get to know these girls at such a daunting and exhilarating, life changing,vulnerable point in their lives. And a sense of responsibility.
There are two bumps that could be babies next time we meet.