5 Ways With… is a series that gives you a whole week of ideas with one resource! This time we’re focusing on rubber bands.

  1. 1: Jail break

    Ask your wee one to choose which items to put in a bowl, then “trap” them with rubber bands. Varying textures, shapes and sizes of objects will vary the level of challenge and develop problem-solving and fine motor skills. A timer will add extra drama!

  2. 2: Bungee Balloons

    Fill balloons with water, air or dry rice/pulses and secure them on a chain of elastic bands. Wee ones can bounce them back and forth like a yo-yo or you can hang them down so babies or toddlers can play with them whilst lying on their back.

  3. 3: Guitar painting

    Line a baking tray or box with paper, and stretch rubber bands around. Ask “I wonder what would happen if we painted the rubber bands?” then let your wee one explore painting and pinging the bands. Add music to play along to!

  4. 4: Picture Weaving

    Stretch rubber bands around a chopping board or piece of cardboard. Weave paper, ribbons or even small objects under them. Or take it outside and use natural materials like leaves and sticks to make some gorgeous transient art.

  5. 5: Mini trampoline

    This one uses loads of rubber bands! Wrap them around a tub both vertically and horizontally to cover the centre – voilà! One mini trampoline. Explore how different weights and shapes of objects bounce and guess where they might land.