Expecting Something
Do you live in, or around, Wester Hailes? Starcatchers Expecting Something offers free creative play sessions for wee ones aged birth to two years old, and their families, led by artists Kerry Cleland and Katy Wilson.
2011 – A programme of mini performances and workshops at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh.
The forgotten forest was a new residency process for Starcatchers working with a new partner in a very different way.
After being approached by Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, Starcatchers delivered a 5-month residency which saw the creation of an installation space in the John Hope Gateway which was open 7 days a week to the public and this was supported by a programme of mini performances and workshops that the public could participate in every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
The installation space was designed by Claire Halleran and used many elements from the production of First Light that she made for Matt Addicott at Platform. The residency programme was led by Hazel Darwin-Edwards with support from Kim Donohoe and a team of artists and volunteers.
The installation space proved to be very popular with parents and carers which has informed planning for future Starcatchers work.
Associate Artist
Hazel works on the Creative Skills programme. She has also made several shows for Starcatchers, including Hup and The Attic, and was one of the artists who took part in the Inspire Project.