Come sit on the grass, Smell the toast. What can you see? Someone peeping through the clouds, a bird… a song… a balloon… and ME!

Peep was an interactive theatrical installation for birth-3 year olds and their adults. Created by Heather Fulton and Greg Sinclair in 2008. Peep was first presented at NEAC as a work in progress in March 2008 before being presented in July 2008 and again in December 2009 as part of macrobert’s Christmas programme. It was an interactive theatrical installation experience especially for children aged birth-3 and their accompanying adults.

You can expect an exciting space to explore, inspiring objects to discover, live music and performance and of course… toast!

Created by Heather Fulton, with music by Greg Sinclair, design by Katy Wilson, Dancer Ximena Vengoechea and Performer Rosalind Sydney.

Project Artists

  • Greg Sinclair

    Greg is an award-winning performance maker, cellist and composer. He is the recipient of a Children’s Theatre Fellowship from The Arts Foundation.

  • Heather Fulton

    Associate Artist

    Heather is a theatre director and arts facilitator based in Moray in the North East of Scotland.

  • Katy Wilson

    Lead Artist, Wester Hailes

    Katy works on Expecting Something and is creator of Mixed Up.

Peep was supported by