She enjoyed it immensely. The performance was enchanting and my baby was mesmerised.. . .

Audience Member

Set in a soft and tactile environment Starcatchers and Branar tell this interactive story through puppetry, object theatre, music and sound.

Designed for children aged 6 months – 2 years and their adults.

The Shape of Things premiered October 1st 2016 at Platform Glasgow, during Starcatchers 10th birthday celebrations, before it embarked on a Scottish and Irish tour.

Feijóo and Gregg strike a balance between engaging with all the rapt upturned faces in this comfortable, but quasi-mountainous environment and playing together in the mode of the classic Laurel and Hardy-esque comedy duo – good-natured Gregg is constantly the butt of mischievous Feijóo’s jokes.


Director Marc Mac Lochlainn
Designer Ailie Cohen
Performers Helen Gregg & Saras Feijoo
Stage Manager Emma Skaer

In 2015, we developed a work in progress called The Shape of Things with a group of parents and babies in Edinburgh.  We then secured funding from Creative Scotland to tour this new re-developed piece for 6 months – 2 year olds in Autumn 2016. The co-production was in development from 2014 and brought together Scottish puppet & theatre maker Ailie Cohen and Marc Mac Lochlainn of Branar Téatar do Pháistí (Galway).

For touring availability and requirements, please contact Branar Téatar do Pháistí

Branar Téatar do Pháistí

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