We are delighted to share this animation created by artist Ella Mclean, capturing seven themes chosen by children aged 3-8 years about what is really important to them in a post-Covid future.

These themes were beautifully captured by artists Rebecca Fraser, Ashleigh Shula and Matt Addicott through creative play and storytelling, using sound recordings, photography and animation. As part of our 15th Birthday, we will fully embed these themes in our #15Actions campaign.

Today Museum: Play

Today Museum Play is a creative play project with families in the East End of Glasgow led by artists Rebecca Fraser, Ashleigh Shula and Matt Addicott. Centred around the favourite toys of children 3-8 years old, Today Museum Play uses sound recordings, photography, plus animations created by artist Ella Mclean, to capture what’s really important to Scotland’s youngest, and their families, in a post-Covid future.

We know that the pandemic has had a significant impact on the lives of children in Scotland. With funding from Scottish Government, these sessions are designed to draw out feelings, needs and hopes of the youngest children, so their voices are heard as we recover from COVID-19.

Below are all seven of the animations created by Ella Mclean that reflect the themes Confidence, Freedom, Creativity, Nurture, Celebration + Wonder, Nature and Movement that emerged from the playful conversations.

Today Museum Play Animations

Read the final report from the project

Today Museum

The Today Museum is an initiative run by a collective of artists in the East End of Glasgow led by visual artist Rebecca Fraser and photographer Ashleigh Shula. This initiative is designed to draw out reflections and perspectives from groups and individuals in the community, exploring what is important to them, their families and their communities.

Meet the Today Museum Play Team

Rebecca Fraser
Ashleigh Shula
Matt Addicott
Ella Mclean

Throughout the project, each session will be documented and shared via The Today Museum website. The artists will capture these sessions through photography and sound recordings to create a Digital Archive of the family’s creative play session. There will be a series of short animations created throughout the project that reflect the themes and patterns emerging from these playful conversations.

Click here for Today Museum archives from previous projects.



Project Supporters

The Scottish Government