Seed Bomb Tacos
The basic idea
Air drying clay filled with soil and seeds makes great seed bombs. Layer, then fold over to make a “taco”. Use papier-mâché (or eco-friendly paste and tissue paper) to make colourful art between slabs, in cracks in walls or in trees.
Over to you, wee one
Don’t be tempted to rush the process – combining the clay and seeds and soil is one experience, mixing the paste and creating the papier-mâché is another, and “hiding” the seed bomb tacos is another. Let your wee one linger on the parts that really engage them and only help when neccessary.
Cheeky bonuses
- Fine motor development
- Great way to explore the outdoors together
- Drab outdoor areas can have gorgeous splashes of colour that will gradually grow into little “secret gardens”
- Clay/soil/seed sculptures can be buried if your wee one is into digging
- Outdoor papier-mâché art can be used to create temporary, eco-friendly art that fades gradually
And remember…
If you normally get stressed about mess, reframe this and think of your wee one as the canvas – the more colourful they are by the end, the more art It’s not about getting perfectly shaped or secured seed bomb tacos, it’s about playing and exploring together. The coloured paper gives a nice visual reminder, so you can chat about what you did and go searching for the plants.