29 Ways to Have Fun with Your Baby by the Lochgelly group

4 September 2017

Hazel Darwin-Clements

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“You seem like a friendly bunch!” said one new participant this week. It is true, we are. When new folk come along to the group we try to explain how what we do every week is different. Perhaps you’d like some examples of the kind of things we get up to? Maybe you’d like to join us? It’s free!

29 Ways to Have Fun with Your Baby (as tried and tested by the Expecting Something Group at Lochgelly recently)

1. Make giant bubbles

2. Get out the pots and pans and drum on them

3. Do some beatboxing (into a microphone if you have one!)

4. Picnic in a sunny meadow

5. Read each other’s favourite story books

6. Get a big tub of water and see what sinks and see what floats

7. Play musical statues with a live cello

8. Get all the adults in the room to hide behind a big curtain and play peek-a-boo

9. Get a load of old keys and make them into wind chimes

10. Roll out a huge piece of paper and make drawings around your baby

11. Turn a supermarket shop into a scavenger hunt

12. Make necklaces that are safe for babies to chew on

13. Sing! Sing, sing, sing!

14. Make homemade scented play-dough

15. Taste something you’ve never tasted before

16. Choose your favourite song and make up a dance to it (we recommend Time of My Life from Dirty Dancing!)

17. Make a film of your babies grooving

18. Play with streamers and poms poms

19. Paint! On a canvas as huge as the room!

20. Make up a poem for your baby and record it

21. Create a den out of white sheets to play with shadows on

22. Shine a light through different coloured plastics

23. Make up stories for a book and write them down

24. See a theatre show made especially for babies

25. Make telephones out of paper cups

26. Enthusiastically play pass the parcel

27. Pile cooked cold spaghetti on your head

28. Make the room a sparkly rainbow wonderland by hanging old CDs everywhere

29. Conduct an orchestra with everyone playing different chime bars