Creative Skills goes online!

14 September 2020
Creative Skills, Starcatchers Professional Development for the Early Learning and Childcare Workforce, has launched an online programme for 2020/21.

The programme, which consists of five main elements, aims to help those who work in early years improve their creative confidence and spark inspiration for fun and creative ideas they can use in their settings.

The five elements are as follows:

  • The Creative Skills Podcast – where early years artists share insight into their practice and some of their favourite ideas
  • Reflective Practice Worksheets – to help you link creative ideas to policy and practice, by yourself or with colleagues
  • Creative Chats – regular live online conversations, where you can ask artists questions, spark new ideas and meet with other ELC workers
  • Wee Inspirations – to use in your settings or share with the families you work with
  • Videos – of our artists’ favourite ideas – so you can try them to

Creative Skills Manager, Heather Armstrong said:

“I’m so excited that we are able to deliver our Creative Skills training in this new format, and continue to support and work with the ELC workforce across Scotland. Creative Skills training has always shared practical ideas that promote open-ended, playful approaches to the expressive arts, and we’ve supported our participants to learn from our artists and from each other.

So much has changed recently, but young children need opportunities to express themselves now more than ever, and we need a creative, inspired, skilled ELC workforce to help make that happen.

Engaging in expressive arts experiences is hugely important for very young children – helping them to develop socially and cognitively, inspiring moments of wonder and joy and giving them a way to make decisions and use their voice.

We have designed the Creative Skills Online programme so it’s easy to engage with at any stage. No matter what resource you start with hopefully you gain some new ideas and feel a bit more confident about bringing creativity into your practice.”

Go to Creative Skills Online