Call out to practitioners and artists to complete Young Audiences sector mapping survey

21 July 2021

Are you in any way involved in professional performing arts for children and young people in Scotland? Can you tell us about your work in the sector?

The Young Audiences Group is a collection of freelance artists, producers and organisations from the young audiences sector who are committed to making exceptional work for children and young people in Scotland. To strengthen the work they are doing towards achieving more opportunities and recognition for all in the young audiences ecology, the group would like to begin by better understanding the sector as it is, and the people who work within it.

The Young Audiences Group has commissioned Culture Radar to undertake a consultation with the young audiences sector.

This mapping survey is the first part of this process and is a way for you to engage with the Young Audiences Group and the consultation.  This comprises two brief surveys which should only take five minutes to fill in:

We are keen to hear from anyone working in the sector in any way:

  • Whether you create, produce, or present performances made for children and young people
  • Whether young audiences are your main focus or one of several things that you do
  • Whatever your job function, including creative, technical and administrative roles

Thanks so much for your help,

from the Young Audiences Group and Culture Radar.