The incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into domestic law in Scotland earlier this year was a landmark moment for all children and young people, including babies. Yet how babies experience their rights feels complicated and complex.
On the 6th March 2025, Starcatchers invites you to a day of exploration, discussion and learning in partnership with Children in Scotland, and Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights) to start a conversation about what babies’ rights could look and feel like in Scotland. We will look at a range of topics and themes, built around a programme of opportunities to share and ask questions that will help us visualise a Scotland where babies are included in policy and decision-making. We will focus on the role the arts can play in helping babies experience their rights, as well as the role of parents, carers and adults in the realisation of those rights.
How to book tickets
The conference is now sold out. To join the waiting list for the The Right Start, click on the blue ‘Join the waiting list here’ button at the top of this page. You will be redirected to an external booking site (Eventbrite) to complete the process.
The event will see contributions from the following speakers, and you can view the full conference timetable here.
Dr Caspar Addyman
Dr Rachel Drury & Dr Cara Blaisdell
Ruth Boycott-Garnett
The Children and Young People’s Commissioner, Nicola Killean
Children in Wales
Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights)
We look forward to welcoming you to this conference and continuing the journey to making Scotland the best place for children to grow up.
We would like to thank our funders Creative Scotland and the Independent Human Rights Fund, and Cattanach for their continued support of this work.
Photo credit: Starcatchers and Dirliebane Theatre Company’s Laaaunch!. Photography by Ben Winger.